Saturday, February 19, 2011

How to...Choose Bridal/ Wedding Jewelry

Photo: Tejani Jewelry
In my search for jewelry for my wedding, I heard lots of advice about choosing the right stuff for my big day.  I'll share with you the advice I gathered along the way. 

Start with this list of questions to help you figure out what works for you, your dress, and your wedding.

  1. What is your style?  Simple, dramatic, understated, sophisticated, vintage?
  2. What is the neckline of your dress?
  3. How do you plan to wear your hair?  Up, down, long, curly?
  4. What kind of jewelry do you like/ not like to wear?  (Like earings, don't like chokers)
  5. What does your veil look like?
  6. What is the style of your dress?  What does it look like? (Does it have embelishments, etc?)
  7. How dressy is your wedding going to be?
After considering these questions, start your search.  Begin by looking online, choosing styles that strike you or that you think might look good with your ensemble.  Stop by department stores, boutiques, and other stores to try on different pieces.  Get a feel for how these different pieces look on you.  Once you have a good idea of what styles and pieces might look good, purchase some.  WARNING: make sure to purchase only from a store that accepts returns.  You definitely will want to try on prospective jewelry with your dress before making any decisions. 

The best advice I received was to buy lots of different options, try them all on with my dress, and take pictures.  I'm gonna repeat that last bit: take pictures.  Taking pictures was really helpful for me because only after looking at the pictures did I realize that the earrings I loved looked too small in my photos.  Once you determine which items look best, you can return the rest. 

And now for some inspiration (you can find all of these items on Etsy)

Photos: Lys Wedding Necklace (EderaJewelry); Sparkling Chandeliers
Swarovski Crystal Bridal Earrings (LizardiBridal); Feather Fascinator 
(GlamHouse); Karin CZ and Pearl Chandelier Earrings (OWDJewelry); 
Lady of Shalott Handmade Necklace (EderaJewelry); Ballroom Bridesmaid 
Earrings (kalliART); Pink Glass Pearl Chandelier Earrings (barkdecor)

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